Outcome-focused work with elderly people from ethnic minorities November 7th, 2008
An interesting article appeared recently in Community Care, a widely read journal that reaches those working in all parts of the care sector in the UK. This article “Outcome-focused work with elderly people from ethnic minorities” is especially relevant to the CA-ME project in that it addresses the kinds of outcomes for older people using care services that our project is aiming to achieve. For example, there is a focus on services that ensure people feel valued and respected and that services are provided in ways that are compatible with cultural and religious preferences. In addition, the article talks about the importance of good communication – using pictures and using the older person’s own vocabulary. The outcomes identified as those that older people are seeking from services are consistent with our own principles.
The article was published in Community Care on 3 July 2008 and can be accessed at http://www.communitycare.co.uk/Articles/2008/07/02/108699/research-ethnic-minority-elders-and-outcomes.html